
Returns Policy

You can return one or more defective or non-defective products that fall under one of the following conditions:

A. Product returns due to faulty product

In the event that we send you the wrong product, other than the one you selected during your order, you can return the product with the same transport company of receipt, and we will send you the correct product. In this case, you do not incur any shipping costs to and from our Company.

B. Returns of defective on delivery (DOA) products

The return of the products, which are considered defective on delivery (Dead on arrival - DOA) will be accepted within seven (7) calendar days from their delivery to the customer. At the same time, the product must be undamaged and have all the original accompanying documents (e.g. VAT number, Retail Address, etc.) and complete packaging. In these cases the procedure is followed:

  1. The product is received and checked for the defect reported by you
  2. A new identical product is sent to you, or if there is no availability, a product similar in quality and price
  3. Shipping costs both for returning the product to us and for reshipping the replaced product are borne by our Company



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